
Why write a new function?

Consider a common situation: You need to perform a set of identical or extremely similar operations on several different pieces of information. What do you do?

The solution with the least upfront cost is to write the code necessary for your task once and copy and paste it into the places where you'll need it, tweaking little things each time for the specific information you're operating on.

While straightforward, this approach ends up costing more in the long run: Your script quickly grows in length and becomes difficult to read, and any time you need to make a change, you have to carefully keep track of every instance that needs changing.

Why write a new function?

A better approach which keeps your code clear and maintainable is to keep it DRY, meaning "Don't Repeat Yourself".

Following the DRY principle when writing your code means that every piece of knowledge (e.g., how to calculate the mean in code, how to calculate the standard error in code) must have a single, authoritative representation.

When you have a set of operations you want to use more than once, writing a function to contain them allows you to reuse the code without repeating the code itself.

Creating New Functions

You can create a new function object in R with the function keyword and the following syntax:

f <- function(arguments) { body }

This expression is called a function declaration or a function definition.

arguments represents a set of variable names (and optionally default values) to be used within the function, and body represents one or more R expressions.

The usual assignment operator, <-, creates the object you can use to call the function. Just like any other variable, the name to the left of the <- operator is arbitrary.


Any arguments defined in the declaration can be used as variables inside the function body. To define multiple arguments, each argument must be separated by a comma.

The function definition below creates a new function object f, which takes two arguments, arg1 and arg2, and prints out a report of their values to the console.

f <- function(arg1, arg2) { 
  print(paste("arg1 is", arg1, "and arg2 is", arg2))
f("eleventeen", -Inf)
## [1] "arg1 is eleventeen and arg2 is -Inf"

Optional Arguments

You can assign default values for arguments with the = operator. While the <- and = operators are usually interchangeable, only = may be used in function definitions and function calls.

If you assign a default value, the argument is optional and may be omitted in the function call.

f <- function(arg1, arg2="not supplied!") { 
  print(paste("arg1 is", arg1, "and arg2 is", arg2))
f("squidily diddly") # only 1 argument given!
## [1] "arg1 is squidily diddly and arg2 is not supplied!"

Required Arguments

Arguments without a default value must always be specified on the function call. Omitting them will always result in a fatal error.

f(arg2=pi) # I always forget pi is a built in constant!!
## Error in paste("arg1 is", arg1, "and arg2 is", arg2): argument "arg1" is missing, with no default

A reminder: positional vs. named arguments

When you call a function without using argument name, the values you supply are matched with the functions arguments by position (i.e., first supplied value goes with argument 1, second supplied value goes with argument 2, etc.)

f("sir nose d'voidoffunk", "starchild")
## [1] "arg1 is sir nose d'voidoffunk and arg2 is starchild"

But, when you pair the values with argument names, they may be specified in any order.

f(arg2 = "sir nose d'voidoffunk", arg1 = "starchild")
## [1] "arg1 is starchild and arg2 is sir nose d'voidoffunk"

The function body

The function body should just contain normal R code! Easy!

Here's a picture of Sir Nose D’Voidoffunk to take up the slide.

His nose is long because he's been fakin' the funk.

Function output

All the functions you're familiar with do more than just print something to the console: they give you a result in the form of an R object, which you can assign to a variable in your environment.

Lets try assigning the output from our function to a variable:

report <- f(-1.05)
## [1] "arg1 is -1.05 and arg2 is not supplied!"
## [1] "arg1 is -1.05 and arg2 is not supplied!"

It appears our function output is the character vector we created in the function body.

Function output

This makes intuitive sense on one level: making that string was the only expression in the function body, so what else would the output be?

But consider more complex functions with many lines of code: which value should be the one the function outputs?

By default, functions return the value of the last expression evaluated in the function body.

Return Statements

However, relying on implicit behavior doesn't make for the most understandable code. Additionally, you may want to a function to stop running and return a value at different places of the body (an 'early return').

For these reasons, R has a reserved keyword return which halts a functions execution and returns the value specified to return.

f <- function(arg1, arg2="not supplied!") { 
  x <- paste("arg1 is", arg1, "and arg2 is", arg2)
  return(x)  # Same behavior, but more explicit
f("autumn leaves")
## [1] "arg1 is autumn leaves and arg2 is not supplied!"

Returning multiple values

If you were writing a function to perform a t-test, you would probably like to write one function that tells you the t score, the degrees of freedom, and the p value, instead of writing one function for each.

In R, we achieve this by by storing the values we want to be output together in a single object.

Returning a list is a good general purpose solution to this problem, because lists are designed to have named elements of arbitrary sizes and type.

Returning multiple values

This function returns a list of summary statistics for a numeric vector, which can then be accessed by name from the list.

summaryStats <- function(x) {
  x <- list(mean = mean(x),
            stdDev = sd(x),
            sem = sd(x)/sqrt(length(x)))
statList <- summaryStats(runif(25,0,100)) #25 random values from 0 to 100
## List of 3
##  $ mean  : num 50
##  $ stdDev: num 29.2
##  $ sem   : num 5.83
## [1] 5.834567

Using your functions

Like any object in R, your function object must be assigned and available from the global environment before you can use it.

This raises the question of how to make your functions available whenever you need them, like the functions from base R or an R package.

One option is to have a section starting each script where you define the personal functions you wish to use.

However, this method makes scripts confusing to follow, and is prone to error thanks to violating the DRY principle: when you make a change to your cool new function in one script, you have to change it in every file you've declared it in if you want to the function to have consistent behavior (which every function should!!!)

Sourcing your functions

A better solution is to have one (or more) .R file where you define a single function (or several of related functions), and use the source keyword to execute the file and define the function whenever you want use it.


source executes any R expressions found in the specified file in the environment where source was called. For example, executing the expression x <- 10 in the console and writing x <- 10 in a separate file and sourcing that file have the same effect.

You can treat the source keyword like the library function this way, and adhere to the DRY principle by having single, authoritative versions of your functions.

User-Defined Errors

The summaryStats function implicitly requires that it's argument, x, be a numeric vector. If x is not a numeric vector with one or more elements, it makes no sense to take the mean or standard deviation.

Of course, you know that, because you wrote the function, and you would never dream of passing a character vector or list to summaryStats.

But can you guarantee that your group member or lab member knows that? And can you absolutely guarantee that summaryStats won't be unintentionally passed some other type of data when called from a more complex or non-interactive program?

User-Defined Errors

The answer of course, is no. When you write a function, you should think carefully about what range of inputs your function can reliably compute sensible output from.

Then, write expressions which test to be sure input meets your accepted conditions, and throw your own informative errors when they are not.

User-Defined Errors

R provides the stop function which allows you to signal an error using your own message, and halt execution of the current function.

We can use it together with an if statements to enforce our requirement that the input to summaryStats be numerals of some kind.

summaryStats <- function(x) {
  if (is.numeric(x) || is.logical(x)) {
    x <- list(mean = mean(x), stdDev = sd(x), range = range(x),
              sem = sd(x)/sqrt(length(x)))
  } else {
    stop("Input to summaryStats must be a numeric or logical vector!")

User-Defined Errors

Lets test it out!

First, a numeric vector which should be fine.

x <- runif(25,0,100)
statList <- summaryStats(x)
statList$mean # good!
## [1] 44.48184
Now, a character vector which should fail.
x <- as.character(runif(25,0,100))
statList <- summaryStats(x)
## Error in summaryStats(x): Input to summaryStats must be a numeric or logical vector!

Hooray, an error! Whenever you write a test for your input, always test it with bad input to be sure it catches it.

Debugging your functions

The process of examining your code to track down the source of errors is easy enough in a normal R script: just interactively run one line at a time till you find the root cause.

But debugging a function provides a new challenge: How do you get inside the function while its running to closely examine it's behavior with real input?

We'll cover two basic ways you can debug code execution inside functions: by using the debug function, and by setting breakpoints through Rstudio.

The debug function

When you want to interactively debug a function, provide the function object as an argument to the debug function.


This appears to have no effect, but it tells R that whenever summaryStats is called, to pause before the first line of the function body is executed, and open an interactive console inside the function's environment.

So, the next time summaryStats is called, debugging mode will activate!

The console prompt > should change to read Browse [x]>, where x is some integer. In Rstudio, a new tab should open in the editor pane titled "Source Viewer", and a set of navigation controls should appear just above the console window.

Interactive Debugging

The navigation controls & corresponding keyboard shortcuts are shown above, and explained below:

  1. "Next": Executes the very next line of code in the function
  2. "Step: Executes the next function call and changes the current environment to that function
    • Allows you to follow the entire code path, not just code in your function
  3. "Finish": Executes all code remaining in the function, or all remaining iterations of a loop
  4. "Continue": Continue execution of all code normally (exits debugging mode)
  5. "Quit: Exit debugging mode and halt all execution

Interactive Debugging

When you decide that you want summaryStats to execute normally and no longer run under debugging mode, use the undebug function:


Any subsequent calls to summaryStats will proceed as normal.

Setting breakpoints

A breakpoint is a flag set on a line of code in your function that tells the R interpreter to enter debugging mode when it hits that line. Just before executing the line with the breakpoint, R will enter debugging mode just like when you used the debug function.

This method can save you quite a bit of time versus using the debug function by allowing you to stop execution just before the line where an error occurs.

Setting breakpoints

To set a breakpoint, use the mouse to click in the blank space between the line number you want start debugging on and the left edge of the editor pane.

This should place an open red circle in the blank space where you clicked, and a small notification should pop up telling you that you must source the file to activate the breakpoints.

You can set as many breakpoints as you wish, but you need to source the file each time you add new ones to activate them.

Setting breakpoints

Hit the 'source' button in the top right button of the editor pane to activate the breakpoints. This should dismiss the popup, and the open red circle should become a filled red circle, indicating the breakpoint is active.

The console should echo the execution of a special function, debugSource, which is different from the source keyword mention earlier. The regular source function does not support sourcing files with breakpoints.

The next time this function is called, the function will pause before executing the lines with the breakpoints on them.

Clearing Breakpoints

After you've squashed all your bugs, you can clear any breakpoints you've set by clicking on the red circles representing each one. This will remove the breakpoint, after which you must source the file again to deactivate them.


Write a function called find that searches a given vector for a specific value, and returns it's position(s) in the vector.

By default, it should return a vector with an element for each position in the vector where the value is found. But there should be an argument which can be used to restrict the output to a limited number of positions (e.g, the position of the first occurrence, or the second and third, etc.).

Some hints:

  • the which function can be used to find the position of TRUE elements in a logical vector
  • Think carefully about the types of values which should be accepted for the argument controlling which positions are returned.

Go the next slide for some input/output examples to help you start.

Activity Examples

Here is a more a concrete example of what your function should behave like. When you think you are done, test your function to make sure your function can reproduce the results.

v <- c(2,4,10,33,2,8,19,3, 20, 3, 4, 45) # vector to search
x <- find(v, 2) # search for 2, reporting all positions where it is found
all(v[x] == 2) # Indexing the vector with the results should produce all 2's
## [1] TRUE
find(v, 2, 2) # Should produce 5 since the 5th element is the second 2
## [1] 5