
Except for its work, not a review

The 2017 MLB Salaries data set has 9 variables describing the contracts of Major League Baseball players:

  • name: The player's first and last name
  • team: The team the player belongs to
  • pos: The player's primary field position (Pitcher, Catcher, Shortstop, etc.)
  • salary: The player's 2017 salary, in dollars
  • duration: The duration of the player's current contract
  • start: The year the player's current contract began
  • end: The year the player's current contract ends
  • total_value: The total value of the player's contract
  • avg_annual: The player's average annual salary, over the course of their contract

The Assignment

  1. Which player has the longest currently active contract?

  2. Plot the total salaries for each team in 2017. On the same figure, plot the salary of the highest paid player for each team in 2017. (Hint: the las graphical parameter can help you fit many axis labels on one plot).

  3. Perform an ANOVA comparing the 2017 salaries among outfielders (i.e., right-fielders, left-fielders, and center-fielders). Are there any significant differences?